Saturday, 2 April 2011

Frustrating Thursday

Do you ever have one of those days when whatever you do just doesn't work? Thursday was one of those days. We went to Kidderminster to buy just two items - a piece of software from PC World and a phone from Comet - easy - especially as I have seen them both in there before.

So into PC World - can't find the software - checked where it should be - nope - just a blank shelf. Beloved suggests we should ask someone - so we asked a young girl who looked totally dumbfounded that someone had actually asked her a question - so she had to ask someone else.

Mr Man then comes over and says "You're looking for the Photoshop Elements 9 - right?"

"Yes", says I, "but there are none on the shelf."

But Mr Man treats me like a complete idiot and says "They're on this shelf" - and promptly goes to the same shelf that I did - and finds - NOTHING! Didn't he believe me? Did he think I was a total idiot?

So he goes out the back to check and 3 days later returns to advise me that "we seem to run out of stock". I think I got there about 6 weeks before you were born, matey!

So No 1 frustration. Never mind - off to Comet.

Now I should explain that we bought a 2 phone Panasonic kit that they sell as a single phone with answerphone, the two phone (main one and an extension), and a 3 and 4 option (i.e main phone with 2 and 3 extensions). But you can buy single extension phones so if you don't want to buy 3 or 4 phones but want to see whether it worked (as we did) you can extend later - and that's what we wanted to do - we wanted to buy another extension. And they had the extension phones on display. But we couldn't find one in a box - so we asked Mr Man2 if he had them in stock.

"Oh we don't stock the extension," he says with a grin on his face!

"Why not?" says I

"Just think how many we would have to stock if we did that for every phone we sell" he replied and waltzed off to frustrate another customer. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE IDEA THAT YOU STOCK THINGS THAT PEOPLE WANT??

So frustration 2. So guess what - I have purchased the software from Amazon and will buy the phone on line from Panasonic. And shopkeepers wonder why people buy off the Internet!!

Oh - and we were running very low on petrol - so stopped at my local petrol station to fill up and half their pumps were out of order - I could by high octane gas at vastly inflated prices but for ordinary petrol I would have to queue. So I went home instead!

Perhaps Friday will be better?!

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