Monday, 15 November 2010

O dear what can the matter be, David Morgan's locked in the lavatory!!

Yes - actually happened - I got locked in the loo! It was Saturday night and I had popped into the loo - and hadn't locked the door - never do - but just shut it - but when I came to turn the handle to get out it just turned and turned and turned! As it happened my mobile was still in a pouch on my belt so I was able to call my wife who was watching "Strictly..." downstairs. She didn't believe me! So I had to persuade her to come up the stairs and try the door. Only then did she accept that I wasn't just trying to stop her watching "Strictly..."!

Eventually, once we had removed the spindle and she had passed me a nail file through the spindle hole I was able to partly push the latch in as she pushed the door and I was free!!

But it did make me wonder - suppose that had happened when she had gone to a dog show, was going to be out all day, the dogs were loose in the run (and would have started barking), and I had somewhere to go? I could have been in there for hours.

So the moral (and lesson) is - either keep a rope ladder in the loo - or more sensibly - don't shut the door especially when you're on your own.

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