Tuesday, 26 October 2010

I need a hobby!!

Some might say Beloved is my hobby - and as much as I love her and agree, it doesn't quite solve the problem! You see in a conversation with sis-in-law last Sunday, when we were talking about her (and Beloved's) father, who is sadly suffering from dementia, she said maybe it was because when he gave up work (at the grand old age of 80) he had no other interests, so his brain hasn't been active - and that allowed the dementia to set in!

Now I haven't submitted that to the Lancet yet, and some people will say my brain hasn't been active for years - but it did make me think about my own situation. You see Beloved has her dogs, and her garden and her love of reading - and I've got - well - Spider Solitaire on the PC!!!

OK I like music, and I do a bit in the garden - but under her guidance - wouldn't have a clue where to start if she didn't direct me - and now the TVR has gone - I don't really have any "hobbies" as such. I've all but given up running (bad back), I'm worse than Frank Spencer at DIY and I'm just not into dog showing (sorry love).

So in preparation for when I eventually give up work (not THAT far away) I need to start a hobby. I've tried painting (I'm rubbish), collecting (no space), writing (no-one reads the books/poems etc I have already written, so why write more), dress making (got very funny looks) and brass rubbing (which I only took up because I thought it was rubbing bra's) and Beloved has refused me permisson to buy a set of bagpipes! So what's left - work and preaching! Neither of which I could really call a hobby.

So answers on a postcard please, to what my hobby should be, to David Morgan, c/o the Home for the Slightly Disturbed...

Lesson: Start a hobby when you're young - and stick to it!!

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